Wanderpfad | © Golm Silvretta Luenersee Tourismus GmbH, Bregenz, Sommertage GesbR

Gauertaler AlpkulTour

Discover the cultural landscape of the Montafon Alpine and Maisäß (traditional Alpine pasture land) culture on the hiking trail

The unique themed path for marvelling, participating and learning

At a total of 13 locations, the visitor encounters unusual objects made by the Montafon artist Roland Haas. Each of them is dedicated to a different area of the cultural landscape. In cooperation with Stand Montafon and Vorarlberger Illwerke AG, the path has been newly cleared and renovated. The hiking trails created as easy to traverse and allow visitors to get to know and enjoy the Gauertal as well as the Montafon Alpine and Maisäß (traditional Alpine pasture land) culture.


Distance: 11.2 km

Walking time: approx. 4:00 hours

Degree of difficulty: medium

Dining and refreshment options: Berghof Golm, Lindauer Hütte, Gauertalhaus

Tip: QR-Code

Each sculpture features a brief piece of information in the local dialect! Simply scan the printed QR code for a German translation - you can also do this offline!

© Montafon Tourismus GmbH Schruns, Andreas Haller

Hiking experience Gauertaler AlpkulTour

Hiking Experience Gauertaler AlpkulTour

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Artistic intention

Künstler Roland Haas

“The idea of accompanying a themed hiking trail, located in my home, not with explanatory signposts but instead with sculptures, was fascinating to me from the very beginning. My artistic concept is now to use the objects to draw the attention of visitors to certain aspects of the Gauertaler AlpkulTour, to stimulate debate and perhaps to even irritate a little. This results in new ways to interpret and discuss the content explored here as well as artistic representations of the landscape.

With few exceptions, local spruce wood is the main component of the sculptures. This, along with the primary use of round wood, creates a continuity in terms of the dominant construction material in the Alpine cultural landscape. In addition, the unusual form given to wood in the context of the Gauertaler AlpkulTour challenges one’s associative powers.

There are now sculptures at 11 of 13 selected locations. Each sculpture focuses on a theme concerning the Montafon Alpine and Maisäß (traditional Alpine pasture land) culture. My brief explanations at the individual locations serve to provide better understanding, but are in no way intended to restrict your freedom of interpretation!”

Roland Haas

Useful information at a glance


Aktuelle Wetterbedingungen am Bewegungsberg Golm im Montafon

10°C 0cm

Webcams Bewegungsberg Golm Montafon

Current situation


2.103 m, Vandans

Open facilities Golm


9 from 9 open Lifts
14 from 17 open Pistes
0 from 2 open Toboggan runs
0 from 0 open Cross-country ski trails
1 from 2 open Winter hiking trails
0 from 1 open Other

Buy your ticket

Your Montafon Brandnertal Card


We are happy to provide further assistance

You can reach us via telephone or Email from:

Monday to Friday 08:00 a.m. - 05:00 p.m.

T. +43 5556 701 83167
E-Mail info@gsl-tourismus.at